By Ian Bracey | March 17, 2018
Parish Council Paper
I recently wrote a paper on starting a Community Land Trust for Waterbeach Parish Council. I was asking for their support for my aim of starting a CLT. I explained the difficulty young people have getting a home in the Cambridge area with prices being so high. I also explained the benefits of having a CLT, how it can help with genuinely affordable housing and help the community lead development.
I presented the paper at the Parish Council meeting on 6th March and it was positively received by the Councillors. They were generally supportive and also suggested a number of contacts we could make and also that the Parish Council have a grant scheme which could provide some support if we needed it to help the setup process.
The question about where the land would come from was asked, see this post for my thoughts, and I outlined how important it is that we establish a CLT before we ask that question as proving there is community support for it is important. Also the setting up process takes time so we need to be ready in case the opportunity comes along otherwise we would not be able to take advantage of it.
It was also suggested that I might want to organise a presentation for the Parish Meeting, so watch this space for more information.
I’m also trying to start publicising more about the CLT around the village, thank you to the Community Association and the Pop Up Cafe. If anyone has any ideas of where to show them let me know.
Thank you to everyone who has expressed support so far.
I have also put up posters in The Dairy, Baptist Chapel, Salvation Army, St John’s Church, Village Stores, Pharmacy, The Sun, The White Horse, The Bakery and The Brewery Tap. Thanks to all!
If you would be happy to show a poster please let me know.
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